Fearless to Jump








Ever felt heavy?  No I’m not talking about feeling fat, us girls feel that way too much.  I’m talking about feeling heavy in your spirit.  So weighted down you’re unable to jump.


That’s where I found myself after two decades of a dysfunctional marriage. I was broken.  Completely depleted and defeated.   I had kept believing for a miracle, but it never came.  This rocked my world and my view of God to the core.  I thought my life was over and I didn’t believe that there was any way I could ever fulfill the call of God on my life.  My self-worth was at an all-time low.  I was sure the stain of my divorced situation would mar my life forever and remove me from the privilege of pursuing my purpose.  Boy was I ever wrong!




At 19 I felt the call of God on my life.  I knew God had called me to preach.  Through a prophetic word I understood that whoever I married was to be a part of this calling with me. It was at this time that I took my first jump.  I decided not to go to University for business and applied for Bible College.  This was a great time in my life, but I was careful with my heart and committed to not date anyone I wouldn’t marry.  So, I didn’t date much in those years and I’m glad.  It would be so awkward to have someone announce your new pastor and remember how he kissed!   Everyone at school knew me as Fletch; the bubbly, bouncy, fun, feisty chick.




In my last year of College I decided to marry a friend’s friend.  We talked about this call on my life and he assured me he felt called to be that partner.  I believed him.  Boy was I ever wrong!




Years ago my friend told me I was lucky I knew what God had called me to do because she was frustrated and unsure of what God wanted for her future.  What I felt was completely opposite to lucky.  I was frustrated that I knew what God wanted, but because of my marriage problems was never in a place to pursue the call as I knew God desired for my life.  I stayed involved in ministry as much as I could but never to the level I felt God spoke to me about when he called me.  As the years past, my involvement in ministry brought great contention into my marriage relationship.  With great pressure I backed out of all my ministry involvement.  Each time I gave something up, I gave up a part of me.  I became resentful.  At the end I was just a shell of who God desired for me to be.




Divorced, I was depleted and defeated.  Fear held me captive and made me too heavy-hearted to jump.  Thankfully I listened to the people who encouraged me, and sought God in an even deeper way than I had before.  During a Divorce Care session I felt God speaking to me through a video by Kay Arthur; telling me to jump at the opportunity to apply for a job offered by my former Bible College.  Up until that moment I didn’t feel worthy of the position.  It wasn’t the right job for me so I didn’t accept their offer at the end of the process, but it was the beginning of me being able to jump again!  The more I jumped the stronger my legs became.  


I‘ve used my new legs to jump in so many ways.  I moved, got re-married, wrote a book, started a blog, booked a flight with 40 minutes to pack,  followed a dream and signed up to take the John Maxwell Certification course for speakers and I travel across North America preaching and teaching.  The more I jump the stronger my legs get and the further I leap.

sherr Stahl Tod image


This is a painting by my hubby Todd Stahl
  .  God was speaking to him about his need to take a leap of faith when he painted this artwork.  God spoke to Todd about jumping in with both feet.  You can hop on one foot, but you can bound across a greater distance when you jump with both feet in the air.


God has healed my heart and freed me to jump in ways that my life sometimes looks like a game of leap frog followed by a sky diving trip, rounded out with a bungee cord jump.  Following God’s call is anything but boring.  I always knew God’s plans were good.  Boy was I ever right!


sherry on TVSherry is a dynamic Author, Speaker and Blogger.  Your group would be inspired to have her come and share.  Check out Sherry’s Soul H2O blog where you can find ‘Refreshment For Your Soul’ on Mondays with her weekly devotionals at http://sherrystahl.com/blog/

Todd & Sherry Stahl are co-founders of TAKE THE 40 DAY CHALLENGE,

sherry2program designed to help individuals build the habit of daily devotions in a fun, engaging way while reading through their devotional books; WATER IN THE DESERT and 40 DAYS IN THE MAN CAVE.  Church Campaigns are now available.  Check out the great video testimonials and promotional videos to learn more about www.takethe40daychallenge.com  

©Sherry Stahl


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