Commit these 15 words to memory



If it’s not rising tide levels, it’s wars and rumours of war. Everything from germs in the water to the dangers of cell phones.


I’m sure you’ve heard it a thousand times by now.


Maybe even washed your hands an extra time after a special news report on bacteria found in homes.

Fear can paralyze and make you stand still.


But what if, in just 21 days, you could be on the OTHER side of that feeling?

Not a slave to it, but a conqueror of it – redeemed and ready to slay the enemy of your peace.

Believe me…


You’ll never forget the first time you stop anxious thoughts.


In fact, you won’t forget the third, fourth or hundredth time either.

Don’t think it’s possible?

I used to think that too. But then God took me on a journey of healing.

I once was afraid…now I’m confident in my identity as His daughter.

I once was too scared to leave my home…and now I travel and speak about making room for God’s peace.

I once was certain that I would never have a normal thought again…and now I know exactly how to wield the weapon of “taking every thought captive.”

And you can too.

Because here’s what God can do in your life.

It’s 15 words and it’s about to change your life.


 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4


Commit those words to memory because THAT is your future.  How do I know?

Because God delivered me from my fears and continues to do so on a daily basis. 

And once you’re free, you have to tell the world.

So I did!

Today, is THE day.

The day your story changes.

The day fear takes a back seat to your family, your dreams and your life. 

Today is the day that you can NOW order my book Fearless in 21 Days.

These are the exact steps God took me through to escape from the tyranny of fear and to walk away with my head held high and my arms raised in praise to our strong and mighty God.


If you …

*struggle with anxiety and anxious thoughts

*worry constantly

*feel controlled by fear

Then you are ready to become Fearless in 21 days.


>Click here to get your copy today<<

This book just released today! And I’m here to tell you that victory over fear belongs to you.

I go deep into detail of how God delivered me from 

*harm OCD thoughts

*anxiety and panic attacks

*depression and despair

and I give you the EXACT tools God gave me. Your life can be radically transformed by following the principles and the God-inspired solutions found in Fearless in 21 Days. 

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

And our testimony can be:

 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

>>Get the book today!>>

Sarah B.

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