Heaven – By Billy Graham – Friday Devotional

I love watching and listening to Billy Graham. It was his TV evangelism that brought me to my knees as a single mom, and catapulted me to start going to church. There is something about his messages that aligns my heart with the truth, and the sovereignty of God.

Road through landscape. Road and car travel scenic and sunset.We need the knowledge of other believers to keep us strong in our faith. We were never meant to go on a faith journey solo. God put us in families, whether biological or through friendships, because he knows it’s not good for man or woman to be alone. 

If you haven’t had a chance to watch his videos, you need to watch them. They are great to watch with teens too. I am leaving this video with you today to remind us that this world is temporary, and that we have eternity waiting for us in Heaven.

Heaven Is For Real

I am almost done reading Sheila Wray’s new book! I am excited to review it next week on here.  You can buy yours here by clicking on the picture! It’s a good down to earth marriage booster! 

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